Friday, August 27, 2021

Pool Gas Heaters Melbourne

 Among the several types of heaters for swimming pool gas heaters Melbourne, the gas-fired pool gas heaters Melbourne seemed to be the most popular. Perhaps another reason for this is that the new models for gas-fired heaters have much higher efficiencies than the older models.


The drawback perhaps is that due to the frequency of use of your pool gas heaters Melbourne and depending on the climate, they don’t take the top spot in the most energy-efficient options. Compared to solar pool heaters and other heat pumps, the gas-fired heaters are lagging.




Propane or natural gas is the usual fuel for gas pool heaters. The main process is that during operations, the pump circulates the pool’s water, the water is drawn from the pool and is passed to a filter and finally to the heater.


The gas burns in the combustion chamber of the system’s heater. The process generates the needed heat to run the circulating water. The heated water is transferred and returned to the main water reservoir in the pool and heats it up.


These gas-powered pool heaters can also be set to maintain any desired temperature regardless of the weather or climate, which the heat pump or the solar powered heaters cannot do.




When you choose your gas heated swimming pool that you want to use, you need to consider the size of your pool, the efficiency of the heater and the important factor regarding cost.


A trained pool professional can do the proper sizing analysis for your particular swimming pool. This is to determine the size of the pool heater you need.


Sizing your pool


The pool heater is basically sized according to the surface area of the pool. This is to arrive at the difference between the pool and the average air temperatures.


Factors like the wind, humidity levels and the temperature on cool night can affect the heating load of your outdoor pool. (This is included in the computation.)


Those pools that are located in areas with higher average of wind speed, having lower humidity, and cool nights will need a larger heater. These three factors lower the temperature.




There is a standard test that the new models of swimming pool gas-powered heaters will go through. This is in order to determine their energy efficiency based on their BTU (British thermal unit) output.


These efficiency percentages for most gas-powered pool heaters are typically printed on their nameplates. There are some gas pool heaters with 89 to 95% efficiency these days.


Installation and maintenance


Your gas-powered pool heater can optimize its efficiency with proper installation and maintenance. It is best having a qualified pool professional to install your heating system.  They can also be relied on to perform complicated maintenance or repair tasks on your system.


You also need to tune up your pool heater annually to get best performance. (Read your owner's manual for a maintenance schedule and/or recommendations.) Also, scaling in the burner or heat exchanger may decrease efficiency over a period of time.



Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Using the Sun’s Energy


Aside from being environment-friendly, solar pool heating Melbourne has become the popular choice of homeowners in generating electricity (and heat) while having big savings on their bills. These days, homeowners are now using electricity-generating panels although solar pool heating Melbourne had been around longer.


solar pool heating Melbourne is one of today’s most popular applications of solar energy. This system can heat your pool all year long with clean, free energy. Here are all their benefits.




Installing solar swimming pool heaters can keep you enjoying your pool for up to 12 months. This depends on your geographical location and exposure to the sun.


After installing your solar pool heating, there is no more additional costs, eliminating fuel costs like in some other pool heating systems. The solar heating will last up to 20 years with no need for maintenance. They usually carry a ten-year warranty.


Easy to install


This heating system is easy to install, placed either on the roof or on the ground. They can work in any type of climate, not only on warm places. They certainly are suited in protecting the environment.


The system is also suitable on either in residences or in commercial places. The collectors are not damaged by the most extreme weather conditions inasmuch as they are made to withstand hurricane-level winds (241 kph).  


The solar collectors of the system work even in overcast weather because the sun’s energy is not hindered by clouds.


Notes on solar power


Many people don’t know that pools need to be heated even in warm weather. They lose their heat due to evaporation. Among the several methods of heating swimming pools (electric, gas, heat pumps, thermodynamic panels), the solar heating system cost much less in the long run.


The solar thermal system has a short payback time and helps you save money on your energy bills. Your electric and gas bills are constantly fluctuating in your list of expenses, mostly depending on the seasons.


Solar panels produce free and clean energy all year round for as long as 20 years. These systems usually have automatic control systems. There is no need to constantly monitor them or maybe spend for their maintenance.


Additional notes


If you use a pool cover, you can help lower the evaporation and preserve the heat you generate. Pool covers are not required but are a fundamental addition to your solar healthy kits. Dark coatings are best to use because they capture more heat from the sun.


There is a need to make sure your panels are properly exposed to the sun to maximize their efficiency. The recommendation is that the panels should face south for maximum exposure. Also, the size of your installation should be between 30% to 60% (maybe more) of the pool area.


The unglazed solar collectors cost the lowest, not covered by a glass and are made of rubber or plastic. The glazed solar collectors are more expensive and made of copper, aluminum and iron-tempered glass. They are more efficient in cold climates and can be used all year round.