Monday, April 19, 2021

Swimming Pool Gas Heaters – Are They Worth Buying?


How unfair could the weather get, as some places get adequate sunshine and heat, while other areas remain cold and freezing all year round. For example, in parts of the US (especially in the East Coast) the weather is chilly most of the time, while places like Australia enjoy nearly sunny weather all year long. In this article, we take a closer (and more balanced) look at the various types of swimming pool heaters, and we're going to find out if they're worth buying.  

The 3 Main Types of Poo Heaters

According to swimming pool heating experts, there are basically 3 main types of pool heaters, gas, electric and solar. Pool gas heaters Canberra are a popular option these days, because they're extremely effective, and heat the water quickly (Although they're quite costly to operate). 

Electric pool heaters may be quite expensive to run at the onset, although once the water reaches the preferred temperature, they're quite efficient and affordable to operate. Just do not use the heater if the air temperature goes below 50°F, because this will shoot your power bills past the roof! 

And while solar pool heaters may not come cheap, they have generally lower operating costs, as they rely on the sun for heat (and are therefore environment-friendly). But, you can't fully rely on them on very cloudy days! 

Location is Key to Knowing Which Pool Heater to Use

Location is also an essential aspect to determining which type of swimming pool heater to use. For example, if your swimming pool is out there in the open, your area's climate is all-day sunny (and you use a solar pool cover), your pool water should be perfect for swimming during the summer months. 

However, if your pool is located in a shady area, the hot summer sun may not be adequate to warm the water. In this case, pool gas heaters Canberra are necessary, unless you prefer swimming in frigid waters! 

Weather Conditions

Even if your swimming pool is situated in a very hot and sunny spot, there'll still be times where the pool water might be too cold for swimming. Remember that even if the day is hot and humid, there's still a chance that your swimming pool's temperature could dip past 78°F.  

But, once the sun goes down (and the weather begins to cool),  pool gas heaters Canberra could help create a more relaxing environment for swimming. 

Length of Use

If you're content with using your swimming pool two or three months in a year, then pool gas heaters Canberra  may not be the best option for you. But, if you want to spend as much time in your pool, then a gas, electric or solar heater could be a wonderful investment! 

If you buy high-quality pool gas heaters Canberra, you could get around 20 years of good use, especially if you comply with routine maintenance requirements. In fact, some pool heaters have been known to operate way past the 20-year mark!

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