Friday, January 28, 2022

How Pool Cover Rollers Work


The benefits of having a pool cover are numerous: they keep the hidden pool rollers Sunshine Coast water warmer, they keep out leaves, bugs, and dirt and thus cut down on cleaning times. Moreover, they prevent evaporation and the reduction of chemical loss once the pool is covered.


However, if you have a pool cover, you would need a pool cover roller so you wouldn’t have to lug the cover manually to the other end, whether opening up the pool for use or covering them afterwards.


Pool cover roller


Pool covers are large swathes of heavy materials to cover your pool adequately and keep it safe from your children and pets from falling over accidentally.


Pool covers are made of heavy plastic, and soaking wet. Opening it from the other side to the opposite end would take too much effort on your part. In fact, some people cannot simply do it. And think, too, of putting it back into place after use.


With a roller, putting the pool cover on and off is a breeze; the whole operation takes less than a minute. Doing the unfolding and folding it is a major pain without a roller.


Protecting your pool cover


When you take off your pool cover manually, there is a good chance you will drag it over rough ground, rocks and other sharp objects along the way. The possibility of it being scraped or torn is high.


If you take off a pool cover manually, there’s a good chance that it’s going to get dragged over rough ground, rocks etc., and thereby possibly get scraped or torn.


Pay for itself


The main point of having a pool cover in the first place is it keeps your pool warm and cuts down on costs and cleaning time. It will reduce your pool’s running costs by half, or more.


You will realize the cost savings if you are using your pool cover often enough. If the process of covering an opening your pool (and use your pool) is easier, you will likely to do so.


Pool cover rollers


There are several pool cover rollers. There is the solar blanket roller, the manual pool cover roller and the automatic cover roller. The manual version is the most common, the easiest to install and the least expensive.


When you want to uncover the pool, you wind the handle/wheel and the roller neatly rolls the cover off the water. When you want to close the pool, you take hold on the edge of the cover and walk with it down to the other end of the pool.


The automatic pool covers are actually manual covers with motors that do the cranking and wheel-turning.


hidden pool rollers Sunshine Coast cover rollers


If you have e the budget and concerned on the aesthetics of your pool covers, the hidden pool rollers Sunshine Coast cover roller would be a great solution.


Basically, the roller unit is “hidden” in a compartment that is buried either in the ground, pool surround, under the deck, or behind a water feature. The top of the compartment is usually either aluminium or wood, and fits entirely flush with the pool surround.


Hidden pool cover rollers can be either manual or automatic.

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