Sunday, December 4, 2022

Pool Heater vs. Pool Pump


The difference between a pool heater and a pool pump is that a pool heat pump Melbourne will not generate heat from a heating element like an electric heater, but will harvest the heat from the air and transfer this heat to your pool water.


A heat pump is used for heating pools to transfer heat from the outdoors into the water.

A pool heat pump Melbourne is a device that uses a small amount of energy to move heat from one location to another.

Because they use heat that is already available and just moves it from one place to another, they use less electricity.

As the pool water circulates over the pool pump, it passes through a filter and the heat pump heater.

The heat pump heater has a fan that lures in the outside air and directs it over the evaporator coil. Liquid refrigerant within the evaporator coil absorbs the heat from the outside air and becomes a gas. The warm gas in the coil then passes through the compressor. The compressor rises the heat, creating a very hot gas that then passes through the condenser. The condenser transfers the heat from the hot gas to the cooler pool water circulating through the heater. The heated water then returns to the pool. The hot gas, as it flows through the condenser coil, returns to liquid form and back to the evaporator, where the whole process begins again.

Heat pump pool heaters work efficiently as long as the outside temperature remains above the 45ºF–50ºF range. The cooler the outside air they draw in, the less efficient they are, resulting in higher energy bills. However, since most people use outdoor pools during warm and mild weather, this usually isn't an issue.

And in Melbourne, they have hot days and cold days, especially on the fringes of the main swimming season.

If you take, Melbourne Cup, where in November, some days it can be 35 degrees, and the next day it can drop right back down to 15. So, these extremes allow an electric heat pump to be a little bit more flexible for you, so you can actually turn it on and run it for a few days, regardless of what the outside temperature’s using. You do need to use a blanket though to keep that heat in.


You should have a trained pool professional perform a proper sizing analysis for your specific pool to determine pool heater size.

Sizing a heat pump pool heater contains many factors.

Basically, a heater is sized according to the surface area of the pool and the difference between the pool and the average air temperatures.

Other aspects also affect the heating load for outdoor pools, such as wind exposure, humidity levels, and cool night temperatures. Therefore, pools located in areas with higher average wind speeds at the pool surface, lower humidity, and cool nights will require a larger heater

Sunbather carries a variety of pool heating methods available in a full range of capacities and models at the best prices. Natural gas pool heaters, propane gas pool heaters, pool heat pump Melbourne, electric pools, spa heaters, and solar pool heaters help make your pool water temperature comfortable any time of year.

If you would like assistance estimating and comparing heating costs for different heating methods, their professionals can assist you.

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